The Nature Index of 2019 was updated on June 20th, which is based on the articles published from January 1st, 2018 to December 30th, 2018. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) ranked 12th among the universities around the world with six places up from last year and fourth among universities in mainland China, with total 970 papers in 82 kinds of natural science journals with a fractional count (FC) of 338.94.
The global ranking of USTC in Nature Index FC from 2016 to 2019
Top 20 institutions in the world (2018.1.1-2018.12.31)
In the field of chemistry, USTC ranked fourth in global universities and fourth in mainland universities. For physics, USTC ranked ninth in the world and third in mainland. As for field of geosciences and environment, USTC ranked 12th in the world and fifth in mainland.
Top 10 mainland universities according to the Natural Index of Chemistry
Top 10 mainland universities according to the Natural Index of Physics
The Nature Index plays an important role in evaluating the international high level academic output of scientific research institutions. The analysis of the Natural Index is based on the number of research papers published in 82 kinds of natural science journals. The papers published in these journals, to some extent, represent the high level research results of the world.
(Written by LU Hongyu, edited by YE Zhenzhen, USTC news center)