The University dragon boat team took the first prize of the open group in the 7th Anhui College Dragon Boat Open. The lately established women team won the second prize of the mixed group at their memorable debut race.
The competition, consisted of 100 meters, 200 meters and 500 meters race, was divided into open group and mixed group. The men's team took part in the open group and the women's team in the mixed group.
The unfavorable weather condition didn't stop the athletes from releasing their strength. On the afternoon of the first day, the men's dragon boat team pulled together, took the lead, and made the first dash across the finish line, winning the champion of the 100m race.

The men's team (the frontmost boat) first crossed the finish line in 100m race. (Image by the dragon boat team)
The next morning, in the face of teams made up of professional water sportsmen from Hefei Normal University and Anhui Normal University, the men's team pressed forward, and narrowly finished third in the race of 200m and 500m. They eventually received first prize (for the top three teams) of the open group.
It's worth mentioning that the University's women dragon boat team was first established and competed in a game. It's rather remarkable on account of the imbalanced sex ratio of the University.
For one and a half month, the girls could be seen every day either at the bank of Yexi Lake, practicing rowing movements, or in the gym, doing strength training, as early as 6:40 in the morning to prepare themselves for this competition.
The dragon boat roses of our school finally blossomed and won second prize with their neat movements, full enthusiasm and united strength.

Girls were ready for their debut race. (Image by the dragon boat team)
After the race, the girls were determined to work hard for the dragon boat dream in their hearts.
The 7th Dragon Boat Open was held in Zipeng Mountain Training Base of Anhui Provincial Sports Bureau druing November 21 and 22.

Dragon boat team members. (Image by the dragon boat team)
(Written by JIANG Pengcen, edited by HU Dongyin, USTC News Center)