Prof. ZHU Zuqing’s research group received a Best Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (IEEE ICNC 2014) held at Honolulu, USA, on Feb 5. The paper, which is entitled “Dynamic Anycast in Inter-Datacenter Networks over Elastic Optical Infrastructure”, features the first author and corresponding author from the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), which is also the first unit of the piece.
The certificate. /from ZHU Zuqing.
IEEE ICNC is a well-known academic conference hosted by IEEE Communications Society. Held annually in February, the Conference covers several research areas in computing, networking and communications. This year, the Conference accepted 109 papers out of 461 submissions with an acceptance ratio of about 23.6%. Prof. ZHU’s paper, together with another two papers, was selected as Best Paper by the ICNC Organizing Committee. The paper investigated the problem of dynamic anycast in inter-datacenter networks, proposed a novel network infrastructure based on elastic optical networking, designed a few efficient algorithms for dynamic anycast, and verified their performance with numerical simulations.
Prof. ZHU and his research group has been exploring deeply in the field of elastic optical networks and future network infrastructure. Their research has received several breakthroughs on algorithms and theory, and has therefore developed corresponding practical network systems which are highly recognized by Prof. ZHU’s domestic and foreign counterparts. For example, their technology on bandwidth defragmentation and algorithms on all-optical multicasting had won two Best Paper Awards on IEEE ICC 2013 and IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 respectively, and their newly-developed control plane for software-defined elastic optical network has been accepted by OFC 2014 as oral presentation. Prof. ZHU and his group have got 21 papers publicized/accepted by various renowned IEEE journals since 2011. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE as well as Optical Society of America (OSA). He has been chosen for the 2011 MOE Program of New Century Excellent Talents.
(FAN Shu, School of Information Sciences)