Zuchongzhi-3: A 105-Qubit Superconducting Quantum Processor with 10¹⁵ times Speedup in Circuit Sampling
USTC Breaks Record in Learning With Errors Challenge
USTC Modulates Emotional Synchronization in Romantic Relationship By Relationship Quality
USTC Unveils How p53 Modulates Tumor Immune Microenvironment
USTC Develops Antiferromagnetic Neuromorphic Memory
USTCer Wins Best Paper Award at SMI 2024
Realizing Green Wireless LAN by Wake-up Control
Speaker: Prof. TANG Suhua The University of Electro-Communications, JapanTime: 2019.11.28, 16:00Place: Academic Report Hall&n...
Time: 2019.12.1, 18:30-21:30Location: Multifuncion Room, 3rd Floor, Student Activitiy Center, West Campus
Scalable Personalized Guidance Online and On-Campus
Speaker: Prof. Zachary Pardos UC BerkeleyTime: 2019.11.22, 10:00Place: Room 215, West Building of Scien...
Anime Night
Time: 2019.11.23, 18:30Location: Auditorium of East Campus
Isotopes in Speleothems and Astronomical Theory
Speaker: CHEN Hai Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityTime: 2019.11.27, 15:30-17:00Place: Lecture Hall, 1st Floor, Material Building, East C...
DNA-mediated Nanofabrication
Speaker: Prof. LIU Haitao University of PittsburghTime: 2019.11.19, 10:00-11:00Place: Room 640, Material BuildingOrgani...
Molecular Mechanisms of Crystallization, Recrystallization, Melting, and Melt Memory
Speaker: Prof. Murugappan Muthukumar University of MassachusettsTime: 2019.11.19, 10:00Place: Room 210, 3rd Buiding...
How to Preserve Privacy in Learning?
Speaker: Prof. WANG Di University at Buffalo, the State University of New YorkTime: 2019.11.26, 16:00Place: Academic Report H...
Complex Structures on Einstein Four-Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature
Speaker: Wu Peng (Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences SCMS)Time: Fri.2019-12-27,16:00-17:30Location: Room 5107, The 5th Teaching Building, East CampusOrganizer: School of Mathematical SciencesAb...
Wireless AI: WIreless Sensing, Positioning, and IoT
Speaker: WANG Beibei (Origin Wireless Inc.)Time: Thu. 2019.12.26, 10:00Location: 632, Dian Building 3, West CampusOrganizer: School of Computer Science and Technology
Uncover the nature of "hidden order" phase transition in the strong spin-orbit-coupled correlated metal Cd2Re2O7
Speaker: WANG Yilin (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Department of Condensed Matter Physics)Time: Tue. 2019.12.24, 9:30Location: Science and Technology Exhibition Hall (1st floor), Hefei Nationa...
Exciton Polariton Lattices in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors
Speaker: XIONG Qihua (Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University)Time: Thu. 2019.12.26, 15:00Location: Science and Technology Exhibition Hall (1st floor), Hefei Na...
Taking Formal Verification of Systems Software from Academiz to Industry
Speaker: Fu Ming (Huawei Technologies Deutschland GmbH)Time: Fri. 2019.12.27, 10:00Location: 632, Dian Building 3, West CampusOrganizer: School of Computer Science and Technology
Deep Learning Applications in Intelligent Transportation and Crowdsourcing Atop Public Blockchain
Speaker: Guiling WANG New Jersey Institute of TechnologyTime: 2019.12.16, 14:00Place: Academic Report Hall 632, EE-3 Bul...
Dirichlet boundary of some Fully non- linear PDEs
Speaker: Qiqi Zhang Fujian Normal UniversityTime: 2019.12.18, 16:50-17:50Place: Room 5205, 5th Teaching Building, East Campus...
Sub-VMRT structures and rigidity of certain admissible pairs of rational homogeneous spaces of Picard number 1
Speaker: Yi-Ming Mo The University of Hong KongTime: 2019.12.18, 16:15-17:15Place: Room 2503, 2nd Teaching Building, East CampusOr...
Realizing Green Wireless LAN by Wake-up Control
Speaker: Prof. TANG Suhua The University of Electro-Communications, JapanTime: 2019.11.28, 16:00Place: Academic Report Hall&n...
Time: 2019.12.1, 18:30-21:30Location: Multifuncion Room, 3rd Floor, Student Activitiy Center, West Campus
Scalable Personalized Guidance Online and On-Campus
Speaker: Prof. Zachary Pardos UC BerkeleyTime: 2019.11.22, 10:00Place: Room 215, West Building of Scien...
Anime Night
Time: 2019.11.23, 18:30Location: Auditorium of East Campus
Isotopes in Speleothems and Astronomical Theory
Speaker: CHEN Hai Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityTime: 2019.11.27, 15:30-17:00Place: Lecture Hall, 1st Floor, Material Building, East C...
DNA-mediated Nanofabrication
Speaker: Prof. LIU Haitao University of PittsburghTime: 2019.11.19, 10:00-11:00Place: Room 640, Material BuildingOrgani...
Molecular Mechanisms of Crystallization, Recrystallization, Melting, and Melt Memory
Speaker: Prof. Murugappan Muthukumar University of MassachusettsTime: 2019.11.19, 10:00Place: Room 210, 3rd Buiding...
How to Preserve Privacy in Learning?
Speaker: Prof. WANG Di University at Buffalo, the State University of New YorkTime: 2019.11.26, 16:00Place: Academic Report H...
VeloxChem: an efficient implementation of real and complex response functions at the level of Kohn–Sham density functional theory
Speaker:Prof.Patrick Norman KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyTime:2019-10-31 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: With the ease of Python library modules, ...
Sub-molecular fluorescence microscopy with STM
Speaker:Prof. Guillaume SchullUniversité de Strasbourg,Strasbourg, FranceTime:2019-11-14 10:30Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:The electric current traversing the ju...
Ballet “Anna Karenina”
Time: 19:00, 2019-10-21Location: Auditorium of East Campus
Film show of “The Captain”
Time: 16:30, 2019-10-27Location: Auditorium of East Campus
Tunable Correlated and Topological Phenomena in ABC Trilayer Graphene on Boron Nitride Moiré Superlattice
Speaker:Dr. CHEN GuoruiDiscipline of Chemistry, School of Environmental & Life Sciences The University of Newcastle, AustraliaTime:2019-10-28 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory Buil...
Excited quantum Hall effect: enantiomorphic flat bands in a Yin-Yang Kagome lattice
Speaker:Prof. LIU FengDiscipline of Chemistry, School of Environmental & Life Sciences The University of Newcastle, AustraliaTime:2019-10-16 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDe...
Electron-phonon Interaction Using All-electron Numeric Atom-centered Orbitals
Speaker:Dr. SHANG HonghuiFritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, GermanyTime:2018-10-24 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Electron-phonon (e...
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Rare Earth Compounds
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Orbital Selective Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors
Speaker:Prof. DAI PengchengRice University, USATime:2019-09-12 10:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Superconductivity in iron-based superconductors emerge...
The shape of the heart building blocks matters during heart formation and disease
Speaker:Dr. WU MingfuAlbany Medical College, New YorkTime:2019-09-09 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:The heart is the first functional organ formed in mammalia...
NonequilibriumTransport in High Landau Levels of High-mobility 2D Electron Gas
Speaker:Dr. FU Xiaojun University of MinnesotaTime:2018-09-26 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:Two-dimensional ele...
Closing the Carbon Cycle: Upgrading Carbon Dioxide/Monoxide to Engine Fuels
Speaker: Dr. ZHUANG Taotao University of TorontoTime: 2018-09-21 15:30Place: ...
Photoinduced Charge Transfer Dynamics via Linearized Semiclassical Methods
Speaker:Prof. SUN XiangNew York University ShanghaiTime:2018-09-19 09:45Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Photoinduced charge transfer plays a key role in the con...
Interplay of spin, orbital and lattice correlations in an XY-like spin-glass (Ni0.4Mn0.6)TiO3 single-crystal: Neutron and X-ray studies
Speaker:Prof. PONG WayfaungDepartment of Physics, Tamkang UniversityTime:2018-09-04 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Small angle neutron scattering (SANS), ...
8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography
International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2018) will take place at Shanghai International Conference Center, Shanghai, China, 27–31 August 2018. It will be organized by University of S...
Analytical Ultracentrifugation in Polymer- and Colloid Science
Speaker:Prof. Helmut CölfenPhysical Chemistry, Konstanz UniversityTime:2017-10-02 15:30Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC)is a ...
Visualize and Control Electronic Structures of Topological Quantum Materials
Speaker:Prof. CHEN YulinUniversity of OxfordTime:2019-08-29 10:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:The electronic structure of matter is critical information th...
Towards Platinum-Free Fuel Cells for Affordable Zero-Emission Cars
Speaker:Prof. YAN YushanDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of DelawareTime:2019-08-22 14:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingD...
Discovery and Fundamental Studies of Phase Transformative Materials for Energy Application
Speaker:Dr. LIU QiCity university of Hong KongTime:2019-08-22 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Because of their high energy densi...
The belgian waffle polaron and the "perfect" semiconductor for optoelectronics
Speaker:Prof. ZHU XiaoyangColumbia UniversityTime:2019-08-13 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Lead halide perovskites have been d...
Photochemistry, behaviors of molecules and materials upon excitations
Speaker:Prof. SHU YinanDepartment of Chemistry, University of MinnesotaTime:2019-07-29 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: The Int...
Toward robust quantum anomalous Hall effect
Speaker:Associate Professor Weida WuDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers UniversityTime:2018-08-17 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Quantum anomalou...
Exploring Novel Dirac Electrons in Graphitic Materials Using Near-field Optical Nanoscopy
Speaker: Prof. SHI Zhiwen School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai ...
STT-MRAM and Interfacial Spintronics
Speaker:Prof. MIN TaiSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityTime:2017-8-29 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: After more than 2...
Principles, correct design, and perspective of Successive Self-Nucleation and Annealing (SSA)
From Transition States to Dynamics over Long Time Scales
Speaker:Prof. Graeme HenkelmanDepartment of Chemistry, Oregon State UniversityTime:2019-08-12 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:Algorithms f...
Fundamentals of metal-catalyzed COx hydrogenation and CO oxidation
Speaker:Prof. Emiel HensenEindhoven University of TechnologyTime:2019-08-01 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:Heterogeneous catal...
Charge and Spin dynamics for Defects in Two-dimensional Materials for Quantum Information
Speaker:Prof. PING YuanDepartment of Chemistry, Oregon State UniversityTime:2019-07-31 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Spin defec...
Capturing Molecular Movies of Nanomachines with Ultrafast Raman Spectroscopy
Speaker:Prof. Chong FangDepartment of Chemistry, Oregon State UniversityTime:2019-08-05 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Str...
Interface-enabled photodetection in oxide heterostructures
Speaker:Prof. WU TomRutgers UniversityTime:2019-07-18 10:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Light-matter interaction is a long-lasting them...
First-Principles Study of Excited-States and Dynamics in Renewable Energy Materials
Speaker:Prof. ZHANG XuSyracuse UniversityTime:2019-07-22 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Energy materials are at the heart of various renewable e...
From Impurities to Functionality---Doping in Nanocrystals
Speaker:Dr. ZHENG WeiweiSyracuse UniversityTime:2019-07-29 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:Semiconductor nanocrystals(NCs) with size-tunable lum...
The SCAN density functional and its surprising performance in cuprates
Speaker:Prof. SUN JianweiDepartment of Physics and Engineering Physics, Tulane UniversityTime:2019-07-01 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: The...
A Design Strategy Towards Oxygen Electrocatalysts
Speaker:Prof. LIU BinNanyang Technological UniversityTime:2019-06-24 15:30Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: In this talk, I am goi...
Recommended Practices for Measuring Oxygen Electrocatalysts
Speaker:Prof. Zhichuan J. XuSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Solar Fuels Laboratory, Nanyang Technological UniversityTime:2019-06-21 10:00Place:Environment and Resources Buildin...
Hidden bulk phases revealed by Broken Symmetry at a Surface
Speaker:Prof. Ward PlummerDepartment of Physics and Astronomy Louisiana State UniversityTime:2019-06-17 10:40Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: If you...
Decisive Role of Interlayer Ionic Couplings for the Electronic Properties of 2D Layered Electrides
Speaker:Prof. Jin-Ho ChoiSoochow UniversityTime:2019-06-12 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Two-dimensional layered electrides have attracted sign...
Towards a Predictive Theory of Strongly Correlated Electron Materials
Speaker:Prof. Gabriel KotliarRutgers UniversityTime:2019-06-18 10:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: The standard model of solids, grounded on...
In situ surface spectroscopy and microscopy of zirconia based model catalysts
Design and understand materials from first principles
Speaker:Dr. ZHANG ShunhongTsinghua UniversityTime:2018-06-27 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Density functional theory based first principles calculation p...
Spectromicroscopy in the Atomistic Near-Field
Speaker:Prof. V. Ara ApkarianUniversity of California, IrvineTime:2019-06-05 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Plasmonic tips can be used to effect...
Ultrafast dynamics of adsorbates on metals: Insights from theory
Speaker:Prof. Maite AlducinDepartment of Chemistry, University of ConnecticutTime:2019-05-21 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Femtosecond la...
Solving the Schrödinger equation without the variational method: no integrals
Speaker:Prof. Tucker CarringtonDepartment of Chemistry, University of ConnecticutTime:2019-05-24 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: When the p...
ACS Materials Letters Launches Free Summit Series in China
Topological Superconductor and Majorana Zero Mode in the Vortex
Speaker:Prof. JIA JinfengShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityTime:2019-05-22 14:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Majorana zero mode (MZM) can be ...
Surface Action Spectroscopy with Inert Gas Messenger Atoms
Advanced in Situ Characterization for Accelerating the Design of Nanocrystal Catalysts
Speaker:Dr. WU LihengStanford University, SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryTime:2018-05-31 10:30Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Synthesizing nanocrystals wit...
Parallel Algorithms for Scientific Computing
Speaker:Prof. ChiYung YamBeijing Computational Science Research CenterTime:2018-05-30 14:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: High performance parallel computing i...
Interface Engineering for 2D Phosphorene Based Optoelectronic Devie
Design and Application of Defects in Electrocatalysis
Speaker:Yi (Alec) JiaGriffith UniversityTime:2019-04-29 15:30Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:Carbon-based metal-free materials have been attracting numerous interes...
Optical Interaction between Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Speaker:Prof. ZHAO JingDepartment of Chemistry, University of ConnecticutTime:2019-04-15 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, HefeiNationalLaboratoryBuildingDetail:Abstract: Metal and semiconducto...
Greenland ice cores tell tales on the past climate
Speaker:Prof. Joergen Peder Steffensen、Prof. Dorthe Dahl-JensenCentre for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.Time:2019-04-13 15:00Place:Exhi...
Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy
Speaker:Prof. Yuen-Ron ShenUniversity of California, BerkeleyTime:2019-04-09 10:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:This talk gives an introducti...
Organic Molecules Coming of Age in Quantum Optics
Speaker:Prof. Vahid SandoghdarMax Planck Institute for the Science of Light , GermanyTime:2019-04-08 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:The interaction ...
Big quantum effects in small molecules
Speaker:Prof. Jörn ManzProfessor, Theoretical Chemistry at Freie Universität Berlin, GermanTime:2018-04-18 10:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: We discove...
The routes towards controlled synthesis of graphene and carbon nanotubes—from theoretical understanding to experimental realization
Speaker:Prof. DING FengCentre for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), Institute for Basic Science (IBS) & School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Tec...
Atomic-Layer Superconductors and Topological Insulators
Speaker:Prof. Shuji Hasegawa, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, JapanTime:2019/04/03 9:00Place:3#210, National Synchrotron Radiatinon LaboratoryDetail:AbstractResearch on superconductors and...
First-principles molecular dynamics simulations of liquid water and lithium
Speaker:Prof. CHEN MohanCenter for Applied Physics and Technology, College of Engineering, Peking UniversityTime:2019-03-29 15:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: ...
Electrical and optical stimuli induced effects in perovskites
Speaker:Prof. LI TaoCentre for Spintronics and Quantum System, State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityTime:20...
Towards ideal topological materials: Comprehensive database searches using symmetry indicators
Speaker:Prof. WAN XiangangSchool of Physics, Nanjing UniversityTime:2019-03-18 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract:Although the richness of spatial symmetrie...
Atomistic processes in the (electro-)chemical energy conversion and storage: a theoretical perspective
Speaker:Prof. Axel GroBInstitute of Theoretical Chemistry, Ulm UniversityTime:2019-03-15 15:00Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Structures and processes at ...
Oxygen Driven Fragment Coupling by Activation of C-H, N-H, and O-H Bonds
Speaker:Prof. Marisa C. KozlowskiUniversity of PennsylvaniaTime:2019-03-06 15:30Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Nature uses oxidative coupl...
2D electron-hole "superconductor": Topological excitonic insulator
Speaker:Prof. DU RuiruiInternational Center for Quantum Materials, Peking UniversityTime:2018-03-30 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Electron–hole pai...
Structural Materials: A Path to Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Speaker:Prof. ZHU JiahuaThe University of AkronTime:2018-03-26 10:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Energy and environment are the two main themes nowadays for ...
(Nano)porous poly(ionic liquid) and carbon membranes: from actuator to electrocatalysis
Speaker:Prof. YUAN JiayinStockholm UniversityTime:2018-03-07 16:00Place:ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Functional nanoporous polymer membranes with expanded surface ...
Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials as Precursors for Water Splitting Electrocatalysts
Speaker:Prof. Nicola PinnaDepartment of Chemistry The Humboldt University in BerlinTime:2018-02-27 15:30Place:Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory BuildingDetail:Abstract: Efficient water ox...
Ring versus Chain Formation in Diverse Surface Reactions
Speaker:Dr. Qitang FanUniversity Marburg, GermanyTime:2018-02-01 16:00Place:3# 210 Meeting Room, National Synchrotron Radiation LaboratoryDetail:Abstract: Abstract Tailoring the topology ...
Strongly Correlated Ultracold Quantum Gases of 6Li
Speaker: Prof. WU HaibinEast China Normal University Time: 2016-02-29 16:10 Place: Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory Building Detail: Abstract: Tremendous progress has been madeover ...
Time-resolved spectroscopy of surface and interface electronic states with two-photon photoemission
Speaker: Prof. Ulrich Höfer Department of Physics, Philipps University of Marburg, Germany Time: 2016-02-26 10:00 Place: ROOM 9004, Hefei National Laboratory Building Detail: Abstract: ...
Data fusion and statistical learning in patient care cycle: from diagnosis to care to system-level decision-making
Speaker: SI Bin State University of New York at BinghamtonTime: 2020.1.10, 16:00-17:00Place: Room 1418, Management...
The McShane Identity
Speaker: Prof. GE Huabin Renmin University of ChinaTime: 2020.1.9, 15:10-16:10Place: Room 1418, Management Re...
On numerically trivial automorphisms of surfaces and threefolds
Speaker: LIU Wenfei Xiamen UniversityTime: 2020.1.9,14:30-15:30Location: Room 5206, The 5th Teaching Building, East Cam...
Hausdorff measure estimate of nodal set in manifold with lower Ricci curvature
Speaker: Prof. JIANG Wenshuai Zhejiang UniversityTime: 2020.1.9, 14:00-15:00Place: Room 1418, Management Research ...
Synchrotron Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopies at the Canadian Light Soure
Speaker: Dr. WANG Jian SM Beamline Responsible Scientist, Canadian Light SoureTime: 2020.1.8, 14:30Place: Room 210, National ...
The frequency functions, unique continuation and nodal set measure bounds of solutions to some elliptic equations
Speaker: Prof. YANG Xiaoping Nanjing UniversityTime: 2020.1.8, 16:45-17:45Place: Room 1418, Management Research Building...
New Year's Concert from Symphony Orchestra of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Moscow
Time: 2020.1.6, 19:00Location: Auditorium of East Campus
A Distributed Second Order Method for Consensus Optimization
Speaker: Dr. LI Yichuan University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignTime: 2020.1.6, 15:30Place: Academic Report Hall 632,&...

On the morning of September 24th, the famous theoretical physicist Gerard 't Hooft, Professor at University of Utrecht, and the honorary doctor of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), was invited to visit our university. He shared the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics with his thesis advisor Martinus J. G. Veltman "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions". Vice president CHEN Chusheng had a meeting with him, and they reviewed Prof. Hooft's first visit to USTC in 2004.
Vice President CHEN Chusheng introduced the development trend and academic achievements of USTC in recent years to Prof. Gerard't Hooft. Afterwards, USTC press invited Prof. Gerard't Hooft to write a preface for the Chinese version of his popular publication Playing with Planets, which will be published by USTC press.
In this book, Prof. Gerard 't Hooft confidently dissects fact from fiction and shows us what our future might really hold. Prof. Gerard 't Hooft takes the reader firmly by the hand and, within the boundaries of solid physics and proven laws of nature, takes us on a ride into the world of the future, which holds remarkable surprises for us all. We meet robots with a sense of irony, ride elevators into space, and build floating cities; let us just say that Playing with Planet which is translated from the original Dutch edition by Prof. Gerard 't Hooft’s daughter Saskia, supports the old adage that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.