On December 1st, USTC held 2022 Alerting Education Conference where typical cases deserving care and attention were reported. Secretary of the USTC Party committee SHU Gequn, president BAO Xinhe, executive deputy Party secretary JIANG Yi and other school leaders attended the meeting.

In the conference, Prof. JIANG Yi made public the typical cases violating a certain discipline or law that happened in Chinese Academy of Sciences, our sister colleges and in USTC. These cases concerned teaching morality, scientific integrity and health care.

President BAO talking
President BAO Xinhe pointed out that all the cases mentioned called for special attention. All staff and students in USTC are supposed to bear in mind the harsh lessons so as to observe firmly the disciplines. Besides strengthen the moral construction of their own and sticking strictly to the moral regulations, all teachers also need to give top priority to cultivating the integrity of students. As for Party members, they should get accustomed to working under public oversight and legal restraint. What’s more, it is imperative that the leadership in USTC fulfill their duty to bolster the management for an enabling political and educating environment.

Prof. SHU talking
Prof. SHU Gequn emphasized that to foster virtue through education serves as the foundation of a university. All teachers should get rid of the wrong thoughts like “university exceptionalism” or “professor exceptionalism”, complying with code of professional ethics. He called on the synergy of supervision from the Party organization and discipline inspection commission to make for the full and rigorous Party self-governance.
Adherent to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the conference was held at the Waterborne Lecture Hall, with the live broadcasting given in east campus, west campus, affiliated hospital, USTC Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, and USTC Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies. More than 1,000 people joined the meeting.
(Written by LI Rui, edited by ZHANG Wenjing, USTC News Center)