Researchers HU Longhua and FANG Jun from the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) authored a comprehensive review paper titled "Pool fire dynamics: Principles, models and recent advances" for the journal Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS).
The authors have spent over 15 years studying the diffusion of pool fire combustion and fire dynamics, and have made significant theoretical progress in key areas such as burning rates, air entrainment, flame pulsation, morphological characteristics of flames, radiation, and dimensional modelling. Their research has uncovered insights into the thermal feedback mechanism of pool fires under varying environments, the scale effect, and the non-linear evolution of combustion rate.

The general structure of a pool fire and the associated measurable parameters (Image by HU’s et al.)
HU and FANG have published 24 papers on this topic in respected international journals such as Combustion and Flame and Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. HU was invited to report at the 12th International Conference on Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) in 2017 and the 8th International Academic Conference on Fire and Explosion Hazards (ISFEH) in 2016.
(Written by WANG Yiheng, edited by QIU Rong, USTC News Center)