Speaker:Xiangqian Zhou (Joe)
Time: 2017-6-14 16:30-17:30
Place: Room 1518,School of Mathematical Sciences
Wright State University, Dayton Ohio USA and Huaqiao University, Quanzhou Fujian China A matroid M is a pair (E, I) where E is a finite set, called the ground set of M, and I is a non-empty collection of subsets of E, called independent sets of M, such that (1) a subset of an independent set is independent; and (2) if I and J are independent sets with |I| < |j|, then exists x ∈ j/i such that i ∪ {x} is independent. a graph g gives rise to a matroid m(g) where the ground set is e(g) and a subset of e(g) is independent if it spans a forest. another example is a matroid that comes from a matrix over a field f: the ground set e is the set of all columns and a subset of e is independent if it is linearly independent over f. tutte’s wheel and whirl theorem and seymour’s splitter theorem are two well-known inductive tools for proving results for 3-connected graphs and matroids. in this talk, we will give a survey on induction theorems for various versions of matroid 4-connectivity.
Organizer: School of Mathematical Sciences