Speaker:WU Zhiwe, Ningbo University
Time:2016-06-21 10:40-11:40
Place:Room 1518, School of Mathematical Sciences
Detail: It is known that soliton equations can be constructed from splitting of affine Kac-Moody algebras. And for each affine Kac-Moody algebra, there corresppond several series of KdV-type hierarchies. In this talk, I will talk about generic curve flows whose local invariants are solutions of integrable systems. I will start with the moving frame, and then explain the natural geometric curve flows. In the case of $A_{n-1^{(1)}$-Kac Moody algebra, Backlund transformation for generating infinitely many families of solutions is constructed and Bi-hamiltonian structures for the curve flows can be written down in terms of the moving frame and invariants. This is a joint work with Chuu-Lian Terng.
Organizer: School of Mathematical Sciences